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Slack Assist Bot

June 2024


A high-volume customer service team faced lengthy resolution times for complex queries. Agents relied on a dedicated Slack channel where tenured agents provided assistance. This manual process resulted in an average resolution time of 5 minutes, negatively impacting customer satisfaction (CSAT).

Cloud Infrastructure


Our services encompass a wide range of applications, including predictive analytics, natural language processing, image and speech recognition, and automation.

By harnessing the power of machine learning, we help businesses gain deeper insights from their data, improve decision-making processes, and enhance operational efficiency. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their specific challenges and develop customized machine learning solutions that deliver measurable results.

Cloud Infrastructure

Data Acquisition

Historical Slack Data

This data contained the query text and corresponding response from a tenured agent.

Knowledge Base Data

A structured collection of pre-written answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) and troubleshooting steps.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Techniques

Text Analysis and Segregation

Techniques like topic modeling or keyword extraction were used to group similar queries together.

Large Language Models (LLMs) or Machine Learning Models

LLM-based training or supervised machine learning models were used to analyze the combined dataset (Slack data + knowledge base) and identify patterns for generating relevant responses.

AI Assistant Bot Development

The bot uses a combination of pre-programmed responses based on keywords and the ability to generate new responses based on its training data. This involves techniques like rule-based chatbots or more advanced conversational AI models.

AI Assistant Bot image

Integration and Testing

The AI Assistant Bot was integrated seamlessly into the existing Slack channel, minimizing disruption for agents.

A beta testing phase ensured the bot's accuracy by comparing its responses to a human expert's solutions.


The AI Assistant Bot significantly improved customer service efficiency and satisfaction


Reduction in
Average Handling Time (AHT)

This translates to faster resolution times for complex queries.


Increase in

Faster resolutions and accurate information lead to happier customers.

Cloud Infrastructure
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Wholesale E-commerce Platform


A wholesale distributor sought to expand their business by offering both B2B and B2C solutions through an online retail platform. The distributor faced difficulties in managing complex inventory across multiple warehouses, catering to diverse customer needs, and providing seamless user experiences for both vendors and buyers.

Cloud Infrastructure


Dev Pandas implemented a comprehensive online platform, including web and mobile applications for vendors, business buyers, and consumers.

The solution involved the following key components

Cloud Infrastructure

Platform Development

Web and
Mobile Apps

Developed user-friendly web and mobile applications for vendors, business buyers, and consumers.

Multi-Warehouse Inventory Management

Implemented a robust inventory management system to track stock across multiple warehouses efficiently.


Provided a dedicated portal for vendors to manage products, inventory, and orders.


Designed intuitive interfaces for business buyers and consumers to browse products, place orders, and track deliveries.

Technologies Used

Cloud Infrastructure

AWS for scalable and secure hosting

Inventory Management

Custom algorithms for real-time stock updates and multi-warehouse coordination.


React (web), Swift (iOS), Kotlin (Android)

React logo
Swift logo
kotlin logo


Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

Java logo
Javascript logo
mongodb logo

Integration and Testing

Seamless Integration

Ensured smooth integration of the platform with existing systems and third-party services.

Beta Testing

Conducted extensive beta testing to ensure the platform’s performance, usability, and reliability.


The B2B and B2C solution significantly improved the distributor's operations and customer satisfaction


Increase in

The online platform facilitated easier and quicker transactions, boosting sales.


Improvement in Inventory Accuracy

Multi-warehouse management reduced stock discrepancies and optimized inventory levels.


Reduction in Order Processing Time

Automated processes and real-time updates accelerated order fulfillment.

Enhanced Customer Experience

The user-friendly interface and seamless experience increased customer loyalty and satisfaction

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